SpiritKids Registration Form

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SpiritKids Registration Form/ Liability Waiver

Registration is taken on a first come/first serve basis.  Form submissions are date and time stamped.  A confirmation email will be sent to the email provided with a payment link.   Enrollment is accepted anytime. Fees will be pro-rated from the start date. Email SpiritKidsSports@gmail.com or call/text (858) 848-0448 if you have any questions.
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* Indicates required question
Email *
Your email
Child's Name *
Your answer
Age *
Your answer
Gender *
Birthdate  *
Returning/New *
Parents Name *
Your answer
Phone Number *
Your answer
Location:  Scripps Ranch Recreation Center 
Day:  Tuesday
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Location:  Hourglass
Day:  Wednesday
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Location:  Hourglass
Day:  Thursday
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Liability Waiver
By clicking below, I the parent/guardian acknowledge that my son or daughter is voluntarily participating in physical exercises of gymnastics with full knowledge of the risks of injury involved. I hereby agree to accept full responsibility for any and all risks of injury, damage or loss from any cause whatsoever. Furthermore I agree to indemnify and hold harmless Kim Moser (dba SpiritKids Sports) her employees agents and representatives, from any and all costs, expenses, loses and liabilities of every kind directly and indirectly arising from any claims or causes of action by whomever or wherever made or presented for any losses, personal injury, property damage or wrongful death arising out of or related to my son or daughter’s participation in the gymnastics program. I agree that the forgoing language is intended to be as broad and inclusive as allowed under California law and that if any portion of this Release is held invalid, the balance shall, notwithstanding continue in full legal force and effect.
Photo/Video Waiver
SpiritKids Sports has my permission to use photographs or video of my child publicly for promotional purposes. I understand that the images may be used in print publications, online publications, presentations, websites, and social media. I also understand that no royalty, fee or other compensation shall become payable to me by reason of such use.
How did you hear about us?
Scripps Ranch Newspaper
Google Search
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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